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Collector promotes ancient town culture

By Xu Lili Updated: 2015-07-08

Zhanjiang native He Junka, 44, has transformed a 400-square-meter plant into an exhibition center for his private collections in Anpu ancient town, Lianjiang county.

Anpu town is one of Guangdong's four ancient towns with a long history and culture.

He Junka, who was born and grew up in Anpu town, has an affinity to the ancient town and its cultural heritage.

He has collected traditional production tools and objects of daily life over the past 10 years after he started his antique furniture business.

So far, he has collected nearly 10,000 items and is hailed as a "legend" of folk art collection in Anpu town.

There are different kinds of collections in the exhibition center, including a dugout canoe, chopsticks, saucers, more than 600 ceramic pots and over 100 ancient books.

Many of his collections have witnessed a rise in value as time went by. However, he has kept them instead of selling in order to carry out his mission to protect ancient culture and relics and pass them down to next generations.

Collector promotes ancient town culture

He Junka (right) enjoys discussing ancient relics and the history of Anpu town with friends. [Photo/gdzjdaily.com.cn]

Collector promotes ancient town culture

He introduces his collections to pupils at the exhibition center in Anpu town, Zhanjiang's Lianjiang county. [Photo/gdzjdaily.com.cn]

Collector promotes ancient town culture

Pupils are attracted by an ancient dugout canoe at He's exhibition center in Anpu town, Zhanjiang's Lianjiang county. [Photo/gdzjdaily.com.cn]

Edited by Mevlut Katik
