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Hong Kong ... ...
Happy paper cutters:Hong Kong primary students show their paper-cuttings yesterday which represent the Chinese character "happiness". They are tutored by Lu Xue, a paper-cutting artist (second from left on the back row).

Taskforce plans Beijing trip
The taskforce on constitutional development will visit Beijing to consult with central government officials as soon as possible after the Lunar New Year holidays.

Upbeat consumers push up index score
Hong Kong saw a dramatic turnaround in consumer confidence in the past six months as successive signs pointed to an economic pickup, showed a survey released yesterday.

Mainlanders admire efficient civil service system in HK
For Hong Kong people, there is still much to be desired in the work of the SAR government headed by Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa. But from an outside perspective, Tung's administration presents an example of "legal'', "systematic'' and "modern'' governance.

University funding proposal 'not final'
Financial Secretary Henry Tang's university funding proposal for 2005-08 is not the final option.

IN BRIEF (Page: 1, Date: 01/15/2004)