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5-ton sperm whale's remains arrive

The five-ton skeleton and hide of the dead sperm whale that was found earlier this month by a fishing boat from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region arrived in Shanghai yesterday, the Shanghai Morning Post reported.

The remains of the giant mammal will be reassembled and stuffed in Shanghai.

At completion, the model will be displayed in a new exhitition hall at Shanghai Fisheries University in Nanhui County.

It will be China's largest sperm whale display, two-thirds the size of a basketball court.

'French Concession' ads confiscated

The Changning District Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau confiscated the promotional materials of a local real estate development company yesterday, according to a Shanghai Morning Post report.

The pamphlets said the apartment building is located at "the original French Concession", which the newspaper said infuriated the public because that incident is considered a low point in Chinese history, and the developers were exploiting it in their sales pitch.

Shanghai was divided and "leased" to European, American, Japanese invaders in the 19th century, and those areas are called the British Concession, the French Concession and so on.

120,000 bottles of inferior after-shave

The Shanghai Industrial and Commercial Administrative Bureau and government personnel from Jingjiang in Jiangsu Province, seized 120,000 bottles of after-shave bearing a fake Liushen label, the Xinmin Evening News reported.

Liushen is the well-known brand of the State-owned Shanghai Jahwa United Co.

The bottles were found in the Jingjiang Guanyin Glass Factory. Also confiscated were 24 sets of machinery used to make the bottles.

The confiscated bottles will be destroyed, officials said.


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