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Copenhagen rally calls for 'real deal'

Updated: 2009-12-13 09:12
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Copenhagen rally calls for 'real deal'
Environmentalists dressed as polar bears attend the Global Day of Action at parliament square in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, on Dec. 12, 2009. [Xinhua]Copenhagen rally calls for 'real deal'

Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, developed nations are committed to quantified emission reduction targets and provision of support in financing, technology and capacity building to developing nations. The Chinese minister said climate change is "a matter of survival" for developing nations.

Developing nations are asking the rich nations to up their emissions reduction targets and financial pledges.

The issue of financial support is "extremely important" as developing nations are "worst hit" by climate change, he said.

He lamented the lack of mid-term and long-term funding commitments from developed nations as only short-term funding, such as a three-year target, was being proposed.

The key to the success of the Copenhagen talks is for developed countries to keep their promises, he said.

"I would urge all leaders from developed countries to keep their promises, to have the future of humanity in their minds, especially the large population out there in the developing world," he said.

He also said China has "a responsible and pragmatic vision" for tackling climate change and will do its share in the global combat against climate change.

China last month announced it would reduce the intensity of carbon emissions per unit of its GDP in 2020 by 40 to 45 percent against 2005 levels.

Copenhagen rally calls for 'real deal'

Environmentalists march to Bella Center, the venue of the United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 12, 2009. [Xinhua]