Foreign and Military Affairs

BASIC and other developing nations need closer ties: Wen

By Fu Jing in Copenhagen and Li Jing in Beijing (
Updated: 2009-12-18 17:02
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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao called for closer cooperation between Brazil, South Africa, India and China -- the so-called BASIC countries, grouped together for their relative size, common interests, and similar socio-economic development levels -- and other developing nations at the ongoing climate change summit in Copenhagen during a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

"The BASIC countries and other developing nations need to stay unified and step up coordination on stances at the climate negotiations," said Wen.

Wen said Dr Singh is a good friend, and that thier friendship also helps strengthen ties between China and India.

"The two countries need mutual understandings and cooperation," Wen said.

Singh said the meeting with Wen was a very pleasant experience.

"India attaches great importance to the strategic partnership between the two countries," said Singh, adding that the Sino-Indian partnership has been expanded during the G20 meetings, WTO meetings as well as other negotiations under the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change.

Wen met with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva yesterday in Copenhagen as well.