Social Media Digest

Brat revolution
The word "brat", once commonly associated with spoiled children, has taken on a new life, earning the title of Collins Dictionary's Word of the Year for 2024.
This unexpected choice was inspired by the release of 32-year-old British singer Charli XCX's hit album Brat this summer. The album, with its unapologetically raw vibe, gave new meaning to the word "brat".
Unlike the "clean girl" aesthetic, which promotes a polished, pristine version of femininity, the "brat "style revels in imperfections and self-indulgence — iconic lime-green nails, bright Y2K lip gloss, and unstudied hair loosely straggling over shoulders. It celebrates confidence and a carefree attitude.
In a viral TikTok video, Charli XCX explained her interpretation of "brat": "You're just like that girl who is a little messy and likes to party, and maybe says some dumb things sometimes, who feels herself but then also maybe has a breakdown, but parties through it. It's very honest; it's very blunt."
The "brat" style quickly caught on, with young people embracing oversized square-rimmed sunglasses and smudged smoky makeup. But it wasn't just about the look — it was a mindset. The "brat" ethos celebrated life's chaos, encouraging people to push through challenges and heartaches alike.
In a world often dominated by anxiety and perfectionism, the "brat" aesthetic became a rallying cry for self-awareness. It urged people to face their vulnerabilities, accept their imperfections, and embrace life's contradictions.

Fragile ego
The term "NPD" has sparked heated discussions following the release of season 4 of See You Again, a popular Chinese marriage observation reality show. Yang Zi, a prominent figure on the show, has been "diagnosed" by netizens with NPD due to his arrogant and self-centered behavior.
NPD, short for "narcissistic personality disorder", is defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy".
In one episode, for example, Yang insisted that his wife, Huang Shengyi, accompany him to observe the Big Dipper, despite her repeated refusals to go out on a chilly night. Yang only seemed satisfied after Huang complied and complimented how bright the stars were.
This personality type has resonated deeply with netizens who have experienced toxic intimate relationships. Posts like "How to identify the NPD around you" and "What to do if you have an NPD boyfriend" have garnered extensive attention and comments online.
According to Seth Meyers, a licensed clinical psychologist in the US, the arrogance associated with NPD stems from underlying feelings of uncertainty and insecurity in relationships.
"The superiority displayed by narcissists is actually a mask — a psychological defense — hiding the underlying root of the problem: the narcissist cannot tolerate being vulnerable," he told Psychology Today.