Discover Xinjiang: Foreign reporter finds future in fields
China Daily reporter Jocelyn Eikenburg journeyed to the agricultural fields as part of her 10-day trip to Xinjiang -- and discovered the reality was nothing like what she imagined.
From sitting in the driver's seat of an enormous cotton harvester that can do the work of over 800 people per day, to watching a self-driving model in action, Eikenburg experienced just how advanced and automated the agricultural industry has become.
But she also found a decidedly futuristic surprise awaiting her in the cotton fields.
Watch how tech has transformed agriculture in this episode in the series that record's Jocelyn's whole trip and shows the true picture of Xinjiang.
Reporter: Jocelyn Eikenburg
Photographers: Yin Weihao, Wei Xiaohao
Video editor: Yin Weihao
Supervisors: Xin Dingding, Mao Weihua and Zhang Chunyan
Producer: Han Lei