Resolve Korean Peninsula issue peacefully: China, Russia, DPRK

Beijing, Moscow and Pyongyang agreed to promote the denuclearization and establishment of the peace mechanism on the Korean Peninsula in a balanced way at a meeting among their vice-foreign ministers on Tuesday.
Chinese Vice-Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou, Russian Vice-Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov and Choe Son Hui, vice-foreign minister of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea attended the meeting in Moscow.

The dialogue came a day after the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Pyongyang and met with DPRK leader Kim Jong-un, during which they agreed to arrange a second summit between the two countries as soon as possible.
The meeting delivered the message that the Korean Peninsula issue should be resolved peacefully through political and diplomatic avenues, Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang said at a daily news conference on Wednesday.
The three parties welcomed the positive changes of the situation on the peninsula, Lu said, adding that they support the progress of the dialogue between the DPRK and the US, the improvement of ties between the two Koreas, and the efforts of all parties concerned to advance the political settlement of the issue.
Relevant parties should maintain the momentum of dialogue, take reciprocal measures and meet each other halfway to continue making progress in peace talks related to the issue and achieving enduring peace on the peninsula and the region at an early date, he said.