WORLD> America
Americans Ostrom, Williamson win economics Nobel
Updated: 2009-10-12 19:36

STOCKHOLM: American economists Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson won the 2009 Nobel prize for economics for their work in economic governance, the prize committee said on Monday.

Americans Ostrom, Williamson win economics Nobel

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said the 10 million Swedish crown ($1.4 million) prize recognized Ostrom for showing how common property can be managed by user associations and Williamson for a theory on corporate conflict resolution.

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"Over the last three decades, these seminal contributions have advanced economic governance research from the fringe to the forefront of scientific attention," the committee said in its statement.

The economics prize, officially called the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, was established in 1968. It is not part of the original group of awards set out in dynamite tycoon Nobel's 1895 will.