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Lawmaker's 'You lie' outburst draws House rebuke
Updated: 2009-09-16 09:33

WASHINGTON:Bitterly divided along party lines, the House formally rebuked Republican Rep. Joe Wilson Tuesday for shouting "You lie" at President Barack Obama during last week's nationally televised speech to Congress.

Lawmaker's 'You lie' outburst draws House rebuke

Rep. Joe Wilson, (R-SC) appears on FOX News with Chris Wallace (R) in an interview in Washington September 13, 2009. [Agencies] Lawmaker's 'You lie' outburst draws House rebuke

The rare resolution of disapproval was pushed through by Democrats insisting that Wilson, a South Carolina lawmaker, had violated basic rules of decorum and civility in his outburst. Republicans dismissed the vote as a political "witch hunt" and a waste of precious time and taxpayers' money.

Wilson had called the White House to apologize shortly after the incident, and he said at the time that the president "graciously accepted my apology and the issue is over." Republicans agreed, but several Democrats pressed the issue.

The final tally late Tuesday was 240-179, generally but not entirely along party lines. It was 233 Democrats and seven Republicans voting to chastise Wilson, 167 Republicans and 12 Democrats opposing the measure and five Democrats merely voting "present."

"The resolution is not about the substance of an issue but about the conduct we expect of one another in the course of doing our business," declared House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who sponsored the measure with Democratic Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C.

Republicans tended to strongly disagree.

"We're here on some witch hunt, some partisan stunt that the American people are not going to respect," said Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio. Visitors in the gallery applauded that remark, drawing a warning from the chair.

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Lawmaker's 'You lie' outburst draws House rebuke Democrats to condemn US lawmaker who heckled Obama
Lawmaker's 'You lie' outburst draws House rebuke SC voters surprised by Wilson's 'You lie' outburst

One of the Democrats voting "present," Barney Frank of Massachusetts, said, "I think it's bad precedent to put us in charge of deciding whether people act like jerks. I don't have time to monitor everyone's civility."

Wilson's "You lie" outburst came as Obama said that illegal immigrants would not be eligible for federal subsidies to purchase health insurance under his overhaul plan. Democrats have insisted that their proposals prohibit undocumented immigrants from getting assistance. Republicans say the legislation needs stronger verification requirements.

Tuesday's short resolution said Wilson's conduct was a "breach of decorum and degraded the proceedings of the joint session, to the discredit of the House."

The Office of the House Historian said the resolution marked the first time in the 220-year history of the House that a member had been admonished for speaking out while the president was giving an address. A resolution of disapproval is less severe than other disciplinary action available to the House, including censure or expulsion.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initially said she was inclined to "move on" and not take further action against Wilson, and Democrats, joined by some Republicans, told Wilson that the issue would go away if he went to the House floor to apologize.

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