WORLD> Asia-Pacific
DPRK blames US over stalling nuclear talks
Updated: 2008-12-26 23:20

PYONGYANG -- The United States is to blame for the deadlock in the six-party talks aimed at dismantling nuclear facilities on the Korean peninsula, an official daily newspaper of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) said Friday.

Christopher Hill, US envoy to the six-party talks, speaks to the press at the international airport as he prepares to leave Beijing, China, Thursday, Dec. 11, 2008. The United States is to blame for the deadlock in the six-party talks aimed at dismantling nuclear facilities on the Korean peninsula, an official daily newspaper of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea said Friday. [Agencies]

US hardliners wielded a "big stick" against the DPRK, making bilateral relations "extremely tense," a commentary carried by the official Rodong Sinmun said.

The United States was preparing for an invasion of the DPRK behind the scenes of the dialogue, it alleged.

The latest round of the six-party talks ended earlier this month without a deal on nuclear verification, as the DPRK and the United States differed over related issues.