WORLD> Asia-Pacific
Japan's new crime gang: the elderly
Updated: 2008-10-17 16:36

Police in Japan are struggling to control a crime wave carried out by the most unlikely of criminal fraternities: the elderly.

While the majority of crimes committed by older Japanese involve petty theft, cases of murder, assault and violence are on the increase.

Japanese pensioners are turning to crime. [Agencies] 

"There has been a huge change in the last 10 years," said Tomomi Fujiwara, author of the book "Bousou Rojin" ("The Elderly Out of Control").

"It can be a question of money for some of these people, but that is not the main reason we're seeing this problem now," he said.

Mr Fujiwara blamed the changing face of Japanese society for the spike in crime.

"In the past, elderly people were revered and cared for in Japanese society, living in the same homes with their children and families. That has gone now and they don't recognise their own neighbourhood or the people living around them."

Cases of the elderly becoming involved in crime include a 79-year-old woman stabbing two young women with a fruit knife in Tokyo after leaving a shelter for homeless people; a terminally ill 85-year-old man strangling his wife because he did not want her to go on living after his own death and a man in his 70s robbing a store in Nagoya at knife-point.

Japan has traditionally enjoyed low levels of crime and government statistics show that overall figures are falling, except among the elderly.

The number of people aged 65 or older convicted of a criminal offence stood at 13,739 in 1998; by last year that figure had risen to 48,597 cases. That number accounted for one in seven of all reported crimes and included 150 murder charges.

The Japanese government is spending Y8.3 billlion on constructing three new prison wards that are specifically designed to cater to the rising number of elderly inmates.

Many are repeat offenders who commit another minor crime shortly after their release simply to get back into a community where they are comfortable, warm, fed and have friends of their own age.

Mr Rujiwara also said many elderly people have abandoned politeness and understanding - values for which the Japanese are renown - and are now rude, demanding and threatening.

"I've seen it happen myself," he said.

"I watched this man shouting at a member of staff in a supermarket and then he went into the bank and did exactly the same thing again," he said. "I had never seen anything like it before."

As well as the dislocation from society and their families, Mr Fujiwara said the elderly were increasingly concerned about who will care for them when they become frail.

Japan's pension system is disarray, with thousands of workers' records lost, causing fears among the elderly that they will not receive any financial assistance.

"Society has already changed and now we have more economic problems, so I really don't see this situation getting any better in the near future," said Mr Fujiwara. "In fact, I'm sure it will get much worse."