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Chengdu can do

In April 2012, Fortune publicly declared that the Fortune Forum 2013 would be held in Chengdu. Following Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing, Chengdu will become China's fourth city to host the global Fortune Forum. There are five main reasons Chengdu was selected to host.

China's 4th city to host Fortune Forum

The Global Fortune Forum will be held in Chengdu in 2013. As the fourth Chinese city to host the forum, Chengdu has attracted international attention.

Fortune Global Forum chooses Chengdu

Chengdu's rapid economic expansion in recent years has benefited from the central government's "Go West" strategy, said Ge Honglin, mayor of Chengdu, Sichuan province.

Fortune smiles on Chengdu

Xu Fengxian, a senior researcher with Institute of Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Fortune's decision shows that China's economic center is moving westward and that the region's is opening up more to the world.

12th Fortune forum will be staged in Chengdu

In 2013, Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province, will become the fourth Chinese city to host the Fortune Global Forum, an international conference for multinational executives and political leaders.

China to host 2013 Fortune Global Forum

The 2013 Fortune Global Forum, a prestigious world business summit, will be held in the southwest Chinese city of Chengdu in June 2013, organizers announced Monday.

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