When Hollywood meets Chinese brands

Updated: 2011-07-27 15:25

By Zhang Yixuan (peopledaily.com.cn)

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The use of product placements for four Chinese products in the film "Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon," which premiered in China at midnight on July 21, has become a hot topic worldwide.

This is the first time that four Chinese brands have simultaneously appeared in an American blockbuster film. Chinese elements have frequently appeared in Hollywood films in the past, such as references to traditional Chinese philosophy in "Kung Fu Panda," the use of China's Zhangjiajie National Forest Park as a prototype of Avatar's Hallelujah Mountain and the appearance of Chengdu's landscape in "Kung Fu Panda 2."

However, the elements were limited to martial arts, landscape and Chinese traditions in the eyes of Westerners. The Chinese elements have evolved into Chinese brands in the Transformers film series, showing a far-reaching change.

Placing Chinese brands in Hollywood blockbuster films that represent mainstream Western values means a giant step forward taken by China's manufacturing industry in their efforts to expand to the international market.

The step is rooted in Chinese brands' strong desires and persistent efforts to win global recognition. Although "Made in China" have been popular across the world over the past two decades, they come with a low-end, cheap image.

Although Chinese enterprises are increasingly strong, they cannot get rid of the image as subcontracting manufacturers for other brands. Using their own brands to expand the international market and influence the world is a dream of many Chinese entrepreneurs. To fulfill their dream, they have constantly improved product quality, forged brands and built up enterprise images. Some Chinese enterprises have begun utilizing mainstream foreign media to boost their international recognition.

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