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Proper management of internet brings about harmony

Updated: 2009-12-01 11:05

Calling himself "a big supporter of non-censorship", US President Barack Obama, in a town hall style gathering with Shanghai students last month, was trying to nudge China into stopping the alleged practice of "internet censorship."

But does Mr. Obama really believe in the freedom of speech, the so-called "universal right"? The "uncensored healthy society" that Obama strongly advocated during his speech is impossible to emerge now and in the future, as there’s no absolute freedom for any individual or organization. Will Mr. Obama allow Osama Bin Laden to promote the hatred towards the United States and organize terror attacks through internet in an open way?

People who call for "absolute freedom of speech" in the virtual world may have failed to think over the potential negative consequences. Writing down anything they like may be "their rights". But these alleged rights, if left unchecked, may bring about huge harms to others who absolutely have the rights to guarantee that their interests not to be hurt.

Those "freedom advocates" should keep in mind that people should follow a basic moral and ethical standard when opening their mouths. “The Rights” are a human creation for the peaceful coexistence of humans, rather than a tool to hurt others.

The Internet has become a convenient and fast medium for people to get all kinds of information and interact with others. They don’t need to step out of their rooms to learn about what is happening in the world.

But have those "freedom advocates" given a serious thought to the disadvantages? What if someone uses the Internet to spread porn, violence, rumor, hatred and other offensive information? The US government may not like to see Bin Laden using the Internet to call for Muslims to destroy America.

Numerous cases have shown the negative results caused by the uncensored Internet. For instance, some dish the dirt out on others they know, or even don’t know for their own benefits. They think they are much safer to do it on the Internet than in the real world, they won’t be caught with their hand in the cookie bar. Can any society tolerant this kind of behavior?

Meanwhile, porn and violent contents on the Internet are hurting our minors. Shouldn't the government do something to protect our next generation?

An uncensored Internet will offer a good platform for porn, hatred, violent, rumors secession contents. However, some kinds of Internet management protect citizens, especially the children, from offensive information. While limiting certain people’s rights, it provides a much-sought shelter for an even larger crowd, which will help build a harmonious society.