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Teaser>Fujian's He bounces to the top福建美女摘得蹦床首金>Musharraf resigns穆沙拉夫执政9年辞职>Russian vaults new record'撑杆女皇'再破纪录()>Chen's money trail widens密账曝光陈水扁禁出境>Jiefang shoes sell well in US中国解放鞋成欧美时尚

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Today's Highlights今日中国军团夺金看点20 Olympic gold medals are up for grabs on August 19 with the Chinese team favorites in 5 events. The locals are going for gold in the men's parallel bars, the men's horizontal bar, the women's balance beam, the men's trampoline and the men's 3m springboard diving.819,北京奥运会将产生20枚金牌,中国军团有望夺金的项目包括男子双杠、男子单杠、女子平衡木、男子蹦床和跳水男子3板。

 Top News>Men's table tennis triumphs乒乓男团横扫德国夺冠Chinaclinched the gold medal in the men's Olympic team table tennis Monday after defeating European powerhouse Germany 3-0. Wang Hao breezed past Dimitrij Ovtcharov 3-0 in the first round, and later Ma Lin fended off Timo Boll 3-1. Wang Hao then teamed up with Wang Liqin in the 3rd round and beat Timo Boll/Christian Suss 3-1.18日晚,中国乒乓球男队以3-0战胜德国男队,赢得男团冠军。首场单打王皓直落三局战胜德国新秀奥恰洛夫,第二单打马琳经过四局激战3-1力擒波尔,双打王皓与王励勤合作,以3-1挫败波尔/苏斯。


>2 new golds for gymnasts体操男女小将再夺2China's Chen Yibing claimed rings title Monday evening at the Beijing Olympics with a score of 16.600, the 2nd Olympic gold in the event in China's gymnastic history after Li Ning brought the 1st rings gold 24 years ago. His teammate Yang Wei took the silver by gaining 16.425. Later on, He Kexin clinched the uneven bars gold medal with 16.725 points.18日晚,我国选手陈一冰以16.600分获体操男子吊环冠军,继李宁在该项目摘金24年后,重新将金牌收入囊中,杨威以16.425分获亚军。在随后进行的体操女子高低杠的决赛中,何可欣以16.725分夺冠。 

>Fujian's He bounces to the top福建美女摘得蹦床首金He Wenna, 19, from Fujian, won the gold medal in the women's trampoline Monday evening. This is the first gold for China in trampoline at an Olympic Games. Huang Shanshan, the bronze medalist in Athens 2004, failed to advance to the finals after failing in the qualifications.18日晚,在奥运会蹦床女子决赛中,资格赛排名第一的中国小将何雯娜以出色表现获得冠军。这是中国选手在蹦床项目上获得的第一枚奥运金牌。何雯娜19岁,来自福建。参加这个项目的另一位中国选手、雅典奥运会铜牌得主黄珊汕,因资格赛中出现重大失误而无缘决赛。

>Russian vaults new record'撑杆女皇'再破纪录()Russia's Elena Insinbaeva retained the women's pole vault gold at the Beijing Olympic Games Monday evening. She cleared 5.05m, beating the previous mark of 5.04m she had set last month. Jennifer Stuczynski of the US took the silver and another Russian Svetlana Feofanova went away with the bronze.(See photo)18日晚,在备受关注的奥运会女子撑杆跳高决赛中,俄罗斯"撑杆跳女皇"伊辛巴耶娃毫无悬念地摘得金牌,并以5.05的高度打破她上月创下的5.04的世界纪录。美国选手珍妮弗·斯图钦斯基获银牌,俄罗斯选手费奥法诺娃摘得铜牌。(见图) 

>Musharraf resigns穆沙拉夫执政9年辞职Pakistani President Musharraf Monday announced his resignation in a televised speech to the nation amid calls for impeachment that began on August 7. Musharraf rejected allegations against him, but he said that politics of confrontation must come to an end, so he decided to resign for national interests. Musharraf took power in 1999.在执政9年后,巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫18日发表全国电视讲话,宣布辞职。87,巴执政联盟宣布决定启动对穆沙拉夫的弹劾程序。穆沙拉夫驳斥了这些指控,但为避免弹劾造成局势进一步动荡,他决定为国家利益辞职。

>Chen's money trail widens密帐曝光扁家族被限制Chen Shui-bian was found to have another 4 secret local banking accounts, with one containing NT$500m after his overseas account scandal was previously exposed, Hong Kong-based Mingpao was quoted by Xinhua as saying. The detective team has put Chen and his wife under exit restriction to avoid him escaping overseas due to suspected bribe charges. Chen's brother-in-law, son-in-law and his son's father-in-law are also subject to the restriction.据新华网转载香港《明报》消息,继海外帐户曝光后,陈水扁又被查出在岛内另有4个秘密帐户,其中一个帐户金额竟高达5亿元新台币。台湾特侦组认为陈水扁有潜逃海外之嫌,因此将按涉嫌贪污治罪条例,限制陈水扁及妻子、小舅子、女婿和亲家共5人出境。

>Jiefang shoes sell well in US中国解放鞋成欧美时尚Ospop sports shoes, a design based on China's Jiefang Shoes, sold well recently in Europe and the US. US man Walters, the creator, noticed that many Chinese miners, workers and farmers were wearing simple rubber soled shoes which bore the word WORK when he went to Shanghai to expand his business in 2003. He redesigned the $2 shoes and sold them at $75 a pair.最近,一种由中国"解放鞋"改造的Ospop牌运动鞋在欧美市场热销。它的创始人是美国人沃特斯。2003年,来上海拓展事业的他发现许多矿工、工人和农民都穿这种设计简单、印有""字的胶底鞋,于是将解放鞋重新塑造,使不到2美元的解放鞋改良后卖到75美元。

 Kaleidoscope>Peru's boxing dog秘鲁警犬擅长拳击()Chela, a 3-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer, is the only dog in Peru who knows how to box. With her red boxing gloves on, Chela dodges punches and throws jabs with her front paws while standing up on her hind legs. "Chela didn't want to put the gloves on at first," said her trainer Chacaliaza, "but now she likes it."(See photo)3岁的德国短毛犬"切拉"是秘鲁唯一一只会拳击的狗。带上红色拳击手套的它会左右避闪,当后腿站立时,它还会伸出前爪进行攻击。"切拉"的训导员说:"它起初不愿带上拳击手套,但现在非常喜欢。"(见图)

>Mini-cows pop up in UK英家庭养迷你奶牛省钱According to UK media, rising supermarket prices are persuading hundreds of families to turn their back gardens into mini-ranches stocked with miniature cattle. For between 200 and 2000, people can buy a cow that stands no taller than a large German shepherd dog, gives 9 liters of milk a day that can be drunk unpasteurized.据英国媒体报道,为应对食品价格攀升,一些英国家庭开始自给自足,在自家花园养殖迷你奶牛,既可节省开支又能每日饮用新鲜牛奶。迷你奶牛个头不及一条大型德国牧羊犬,价格介于2002000英镑之间。它日产奶约9,无需杀菌消毒就可直接饮用。

Laughter"I wish I'd lived in olden times.""Why?""There wouldn't be so much history to learn.""我要是生活在古时候就好了。""为什么?""那就没有这么多的历史要背了。"

Hot Words瓦斯爆炸gas explosion例句:A gas explosion left 24 miners trapped in Baijiagou colliery in Faku county, Liaoning Monday.18日,辽宁法库县柏家沟煤矿发生瓦斯爆炸事故,24人被困井下。

曲棍球hockey例句:Chinatook a 2-2 draw with Australia to get the last semifinal spot in the Olympic women's hockey Monday.18日,中国女子曲棍球队2-2平澳大利亚队,顺利晋级四强。

Word Prizevaulting horse意思是?答案: A.体操跳马项目幸运中奖用户:重庆135****0000昨日答题人数:71206 


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