One-card community service to facilitate people in Urumqi

By Li Xiaoxu ( )

Updated: 2016-04-14

The Economic and Technological Development Zone in Urumqi city, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region will implement an "all-in-one card" community system which will enable locals to pay bills and do other daily tasks with their smart community cards, the reported.

More than 10,000 cards will be given out freely to residents in Dezeyuan Community and Kuntaiyuan Community, the first two experimental units designated for 2016; cards will later be distributed throughout the development zone, according to the zone’s social service department.

The intelligent community card is the same size as an ordinary bank card, and its design elements include the zone's landmark buildings.

Residents may use the card to pay water, gas and electric bills, enter the community, and hopefully even buy vegetables, said Qin Wenfeng, vice-manager of Xinjiang Sensing Information Technology Co, which is in charge of its earlier developmental stages.

The company is talking with vegetable outlets near the two pilot communities about making it possible to buy vegetables with the community card.

Edited by Peter Nordlinger