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How to buy safe food in China

Updated : 2020-03-19

Buying safe food is one of the most important parts of a healthy life. Whether traveling in China, dining out or purchasing food from stores or supermarkets, food safety needs to be considered.

Food safety tips on the road:

1.In China, unboiled tap water cannot be drunk directly. Therefore, it is recommended that you purchase safe bottled water from formal channels in a public place or during a trip.

2. If you have milk, bread and other foods with you, please eat them as soon as possible. Especially in summer, if the food has been stored for a long time, it is not recommended for consumption.

3. Be careful about eating and buying food in scenic spots. Avoid foods of unknown origin or produced in poor working conditions. Pay attention to moderate meals.

4. It is recommended that you prepare drugs in advance to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. In case of serious discomfort after meals, seek medical advice immediately.

Food safety tips for dining out:

1.Try to dine in a regular restaurant. Before dining, you may check whether it has a valid food business license, health certificate and other legal business certificates, and observe the food processing and dining environment. You are advised to not eat in an unlicensed restaurant or a street stall.

2. When eating, pay attention to distinguish the food color, smell and so on. If there is any foreign body, smell or other problems, it should be reported to the restaurant staff in a timely manner.

3. It is recommended to order according to your actual situation. Children, the elderly or people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases should not frequently eat too much stimulating food, such as hot pot.

4. Food and beverage owners should be required to provide formal invoices after meals as proof of consumption and protection of rights.

5. When choosing takeaway food, you should also check the restaurant’s qualifications and food quality.

Tips for shopping in stores and supermarkets:

1.It is recommended that you choose regular stores, supermarkets and shops with business qualifications to purchase food.

2. Qualified foods must be stamped with the SC number (food production license number) on the package. At the same time, you should also pay attention to signage indicating organic food, green food, pollution-free food and so on. Choose certified items when shopping. In addition, pay attention to the food production date and shelf life.

3. When buying food, it is recommended to refer to the ingredient list and nutrient content as well as the content of calories, fats, saturated fatty acids, sodium and cholesterol. Always choose healthy food.

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