

Architecture heritage protection training camp held in Pingyao

Updated: 2018-08-06
( chinadaily.com.cn)

A training camp for volunteers in architecture heritage protection was launched in Pingyao on Aug 3.

The training camp sponsored by Ruanyisan City Heritage Protection Foundation and Tongji University in Shanghai as well as Union REMPART in France aimed to promote rural architecture heritage protection, disseminate cultural heritage protection awareness among the public and conserve folk craft and techniques.

Volunteer trainees will gain knowledge on heritage protection and experience how to properly repair cultural relics during the camp. Local architecture craftspeople in Pingyao also apprenticed trainees at the opening ceremony of the training camp, teaching them traditional crafts.


Pingyao Wantuo

Wantuo, a type of noodle from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), is one of Pingyao's local snacks with a long history.

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