

Cultural heritage exhibition opens in Pingyao

Updated: 2018-05-02
( chinadaily.com.cn)

Pingyao Exhibition Gallery for Intangible Cultural Heritage has recently opened to the public.

Located on the fifth floor of Pingyao Culture and Art Center, the gallery displays various examples of intangible cultural heritage in Pingyao through pictures, words, articles and videos.

The gallery will also serve as a training center for passing down intangible cultural heritage to new generations, with related facilities to be equipped and more activities to be launched.

Cultural heritage exhibition opens in Pingyao

The opening ceremony of Pingyao Exhibition Gallery for Intangible Cultural Heritage is held. [Photo/pingyao.gov.cn]

Cultural heritage exhibition opens in Pingyao

Pingyao officials unveil the nameplate of Pingyao Exhibition Gallery for Intangible Cultural Heritage. [Photo/pingyao.gov.cn]

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Pingyao Wantuo

Wantuo, a type of noodle from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), is one of Pingyao's local snacks with a long history.

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