

Intl film festival hits screens in Pingyao

Updated: 2017-10-30
( chinadaily.com.cn)
Intl film festival hits screens in Pingyao

The opening ceremony of Pingyao International Film Festival takes place in Pingyao county on Oct 28. In March 2017, Pingyao International Film Festival was approved by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television to become the fifth international film festival in China. The film festival will be held on Nov 4. [Photo/pingyao.gov.cn]


Intl film festival hits screens in Pingyao

Marco Muller, a noted Italian filmmaker and the art director of Pingyao International Film Festival, addresses the opening ceremony, Oct 28. Initiated by Chinese film director Jia Zhangke, Pingyao International Film Festival organized an advisory group made up of experienced producers, film festival organizers and distinguished film investors, such as Feng Xiaogang, Johnnie To and James Schamus. [Photo/pingyao.gov.cn]

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