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Lujiazui Forum focusing on finance reform

Updated: 2016-06-08

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This year's Lujiazui Forum, held in Lujiazui area, Pudong New District of Shanghai is scheduled for June 12 - 13, with the focus on challenges in global economic growth and financial reform, according to Shanghai authorities on June 2.

They went on to explain that this year, there will be many financiers and experts from China and abroad taking part and discussing important issues such as supply-side reforms, insurance reforms, global economic growth prospects, opening up China's finance sector, Internet finance innovation, risk control, and green finance.

Other topics such as financial reform in Shanghai's free trade zone will also be covered and local authorities have said that they are working on promoting financial reform measures. They say it will differ from previous sessions by having the UK as its guest of honor to enhance financial exchanges with the country and to give the event greater global influence.

This annual event started in 2008 as a joint effort of the Shanghai municipal government, the People's Bank of China, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Securities Regulatory Commission, and China Insurance Regulatory Commission, to open a window on the world and to let the world better understand China's economy and financial progress.
