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Jiading to promote intelligent networking vehicle design

( ) 2019-05-28

Jiading to promote intelligent networking vehicle design

CIDI Intelligent Networking Automotive Design Innovation Institute is set up during a press conference in Shanghai on May 22. [Photo/]

The China Industrial Design Institute (CIDI) hosted a press conference to announce its new "CIDI+" strategy in Shanghai on May 22.

The "CIDI+" strategy will focus on the high-quality resources of production, education and research, and build a professional design innovation and service platform to promote innovation and industrial development.

CIDI was built by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China and the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and is expected to play an important role in promoting the integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

Jiading to promote intelligent networking vehicle design

Representative from Shanghai International Automobile City speaks on the conference in Shanghai on May 22. [Photo/]

During the press conference, CIDI Intelligent Networking Automotive Design Innovation Institute was set up, which aims to establish an integration system for vehicle design, user experience design, application scenario design and intelligent networking.

Shanghai International Automobile City is among the first batch of sponsors. It is known as the center for road tests of Shanghai's intelligent networking vehicles. Jiading district has opened 11.1 kilometers for tests.

Jiading will continue to build it a world-class auto industry center and promote the an innovative environment for intelligent networking vehicles.



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Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.