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Jiangqiao wood-carving work gets recognition

( ) 2014-12-04

A wood-carving work themed around the famous Chinese painting Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival from Yu Lixin, recently got recognition as "the longest panoramic red sandalwood carving work" by China Records Headquarters.

Yu spent four years on the work, applying various carving skills to depict the prosperous scenery of Bianliang, capital city of the Song Dynasty (960-1279). It is 6.51 meters long and 0.25 meters wide, involving a string of elements such as mountains, city walls, streets, bridges, houses and people.

Yu was born to a wood carving family from Qidong, Jiangsu province, famous for their delicate carving skills and realistic and interesting creative style. He opened a studio in Qiangqiao town, Shanghai's Jiading district. The winning work will be displayed to the public.

Jiangqiao wood-carving work gets recognition

The winning wood-carving work from Yu Lixin [Photo/]

Jiangqiao wood-carving work gets recognition

The certificate granted by the China Records Headquarters [Photo/]



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