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Jiading newly adds 6 culture relic protection sites

By Zhang Yuchen ( ) 2014-05-15

The Shanghai government has recently listed six locations in Jiading district to the Shanghai cultural relic protection sites.

They are the Jiading wall ruins, Guyi Garden, Qian Daxin’s tomb, Yin Youmo’s ancient residence, Catholic Church in Loutang town and Ancestral Hall of Shen’s Family.

At the same time, Nanxiang Temple’s entrance ruins and ancient wells, which was listed as a cultural relic protection unit in Jiading, has merged with the Nanxiang Brick Tower , which is already a Shanghai cultural relic protection site.

Jiading newly adds 6 culture relic protection sites

The Ancestral Hall of Shen's Family is the only place which combines both western and eastern brick-concrete structures in Jiading district.

According to a news report from Jiangqiao, the Ancestral Hall of Shen’s Family was built in 1916 as a vacation villa of the family. The hall combined advanced concrete technology and local traditional architectural styles, and it is the only place which combines both western and eastern brick-concrete structures in Jiading district.

Due to its high historical value, the Jiangqiao town government has allocated special funds to repair the hall. Upon the completion of the repair work, the hall will open to the public as a showroom of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911).

Edited by Zhang Yuchen



Guyi Garden becomes digital scenic spot

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.