• Shandong unveils action plan to develop intelligent construction industry


    Shandong province has recently released an action plan to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry towards industrialization, digitalization, and greening through intelligent construction.

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    A date with Tsingtao Beer Museum


    Members of the A Date with China international media tour visited the Tsingtao Beer Museum in Qingdao, East China's Shandong province on June 3, getting a closer look at the history and current development of Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd.

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    Qufu serves up buffet of hands-on experience for media guests


    A group of foreign correspondents and social media influencers based in China visited Qufu, a county-level city of Jining in East China's Shandong province, from Sunday to Monday, to explore and discover the fascinating aspects of the birthplace of the renowned ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius.

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    Qinghai unveils cultural tourism promotion event in Jinan


    On June 2, the 2024 Qinghai Cultural Tourism Promotion Event was held in Jinan, Shandong province.