Sun Zhaohua meets guests from Embassy of Singapore


Updated: 2016-04-25

Sun Zhaohua, deputy administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, met recently with Mr Ang Wee Keong, Deputy Chief of Mission & Minister-Counsellor, and First Secretary Mr Lim Weiyang, of the Embassy of Singapore.

Sun Zhaohua meets guests from Embassy of Singapore

Sun Zhaohua meets guests from Embassy of Singapore

Sun Zhaohua introduced the main functions of SAFEA, including bringing in foreign experts having relevant training. Mr Ang Wee Keong spoke of the history and development of Singapore-China cooperation, especially people-to-people exchange. The two parties will enhance coordination and communication between talented individuals.

Other officials also attended the meeting.

What we do

SAFEA is responsible for certifying foreign experts to work in the Chinese mainland and organizing overseas training for Chinese technical and managerial professionals.


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