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Qingdao metro line under the brush

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2017-01-19

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Gao Fei, a young artist from Qingdao, Shandong province, has recently enjoyed a moment in the spotlight after he revealed a few of his freehand drawings depicting Qingdao's Metro Line 3, which began operating a month ago.

Gao's works include drawings of subway trains, subway stations, and some distinctive Qingdao elements he found when riding the subway. One such feature is Qingdao Memory 1980, a relief sculpture of shaped like a fish that stands in one of Qingdao's metro stations and is comprised of everyday household appliances.

Gao has been drawing for many years and has completed more than 100 works on the theme of his home city, Qingdao.

"I like drawing and I will keep on doing it," said Gao, noting that it is one of his goals to draw the beautiful views and distinctive features of Qingdao and let and more people find out about them.

Qingdao metro line under the brush

Gao Fei's drawing of a Qingdao subway train. [Photo/dailyqd.com] 

Qingdao metro line under the brush

Gao Fei's drawing of a Qingdao subway station. [Photo/dailyqd.com]