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Qingdao opens new textile base

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-12-11

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The coastal city of Qingdao, Shandong province, held a launch ceremony and promotional activities for its new textile base located at the city’s Shibei district, on Dec 4, which is expected to promote an upgrade for the city's textile industry.

Different from other traditional textile organizations, the new base will abandon low-end processing orders in aims to transform into a high-end industrial circle combining scientific research, innovation, fashion, trade, culture and education.

With support from experts and engineers of South Korea's Seoul National University, Hongik University and Ewha Women University, the textile base will adopt advanced 3D technologies in the textile industry, in a bid to update customers' traditional consumption concepts and patterns, and to satisfy their individual needs.

It will focus on its China Color Design Center project, which will span over scientific research, vocational training and education, exhibitions and business applications, with the expectation of promoting the awareness of color design in related industries and changing the development trend of the color design industry. The textile base will cooperate with China National Textile and Apparel Council to build a textile alliance, setting standards for functional textiles. Meanwhile, it will also forge a China-Japan-South Korea functional textile exhibition and trading center.