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Ningbo and Poland

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2015-05-28

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Ningbo and Poland

When talking about Poland, some famous names will pop into our minds such as Frederic Chopin and Nicolaus Copernicus. Both Ningbo and Poland boast romantic life styles.

In October 2005, Ningbo and Poland's Bydgoszcz announced to become sister cities. Bydgoszcz, the capital city of Kuyavian-Pomerania province in northern Poland, is a beautiful city like Ningbo.

Ningbo and Poland

Here is good news for those who want to travel to Poland. Ningbo will organize a group tour to Poland on June 10, 2015. Warsaw, the capital of Poland, will be the main destination of the tour. No need to worry about the transportation. There may be direct flights between Ningbo and Poland starting from June.

The Ningbo city and Poland have been cooperating on close educational exchange activities. Since 2014, Ningbo universities have started to encourage more Polish students to study in Ningbo by providing them with various scholarships. Ningbo University and the Academy of Music in Kraków (Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie) have also signed an agreement to jointly run a doctorate program in musicology.

Ningbo and Poland

Ningbo mainly exports clothing, lighting apparatus, yarn and textile products to Poland, while imports from Poland include amber products, chocolates and wine. The total foreign trade volume between Ningbo and Poland increased just over 20 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year.

Ningbo and Poland are business partners seeking mutually beneficial growth and development. With constantly deepening cooperation, up to 14 Polish-invested projects have been approved to set up in Ningbo, while Ningbo has 10 enterprises and institutions that invested in Poland by the end of 2014.