
NETDA holds anti-corruption education activity

| Updated: 2013-05-14 11:11 | By Zhao Qian ( ) |

The human resources and social security bureau of the Nantong Economic and Technological Development Area held an anti-corruption education activity on May 8, with more than 100 working staff in the bureau attending the activity.

Through watching anti-corruption themed exhibitions and videos, leaders and workers were able to gain a better understanding of the importance of anti-corruption. They said they will be strict with themselves and use their power for the people.

This activity will kick off work style construction activities in 2013. The area will take this opportunity to improve services for the people and make a change in working style to build an efficient and friendly image.

Edited by Michael Thai

  • The NETDA Free Trade Zone got the original go-ahead, on Jan 3, 2013, from the State Council, for a 5.29-sq-km area, in two parts.

  • Suzhou-Nantong science & technology industrial park

  • Equipment manufacturing industrial park

  • Urban-rural commercial zone

  • Nengda central business district

  • New materials industrial park

  • Medical treatment & health industrial park

  • Sci-tech industrial park

  • Precision machinery industrial park

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