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Hubei a hub of historic treasures

Updated: 2010-06-21

Blessed with beautiful mountains and rivers and a rich, vibrant culture, Hubei has an abundance of fascinating tourist attractions.

The world-famous Three Gorges, renowned for their spectacular views, rank in the top ten scenic spots in China.

Hubei a hub of historic treasures

But the gorges are not Hubei's only attraction. Shennongjia has been included in the Protection Plan for Man and Nature by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Wudang Mountain and Mingxian Tomb have been designated World Culture Heritage sites.

Hubei Museum, a provincial museum famous throughout the country, possesses a large number of world-class ancient relics, while Guqintai has the deeply moving friendship story of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi who became inseparable friends through their shared appreciation of the melody "High Mountain and Flowing Water."



