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Successful grid connection of 3# generator unit of Liouesso Hydropower Station in the Republic of Congo for power generation

Updated: 2016-08-10

At 16:50, August 6, 2016 local time, 3# Generator Unit of Liouesso Hydropower Station in the Republic of Congo was successfully connected to grid for power generation, marking the complete realization of the power generation objectives of all three generator units. Leon Ibovi, Special Envoy of the Head of State of the Republic of Congo and the Coordinator of the Liouesso Hydropower Station Project visited the site together with personnel from the Owner and witnessed the significant moment.

The Special Envoy of the Head of State showed satisfactory smile when witnessing the successful grid connection of 3# Generator Unit. He first expressed thanks for the great contribution made by CGGC to the Project and then highly appraised the engineering capability of CGGC. Finally, he expressed the hope that all outstanding works would be carried out at one fling to achieve completion of the Project as soon as possible.

The successful grid connection of 3# Generator Unit marked another perfect closure of E&M works since the grid connection of 2# Generator Unit at the end of July. By learning lessons and experiences from grid connection and power generation of 1# Generator Unit and 2# Generator Unit in the early stage, the construction team completed all pre-grid connection tests at one stroke to successfully connect 3# Generator Unit to grid, thus achieving the objective for generating power with all three generator units ahead of time.

Liouesso Hydropower Station is located in Sangha in the north of Congo, the first EPC project in the Republic of Congo awarded to CGGC. The hydropower station generates power to satisfy the demand of northern cities of the country. It has a total installed capacity of 19.92 MW with 3 sets of 6.64 MW Francis units. Specifically, the Project includes diversion works, water retaining works, flood discharge works, diversion and power generation works, power transmission and transformation, access road and the Owner’s operation & management camp.

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