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Tourism integration for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region: Evident problems and corresponding policy suggestions (No 21, 2015)


By Wu Hong & Yang Xiaodong, Task Group on Development Pattern Research of New-type Tourism-driven Urbanization, Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources of DRC

Research Report No 21, 2015 (Total 4706)


The essence of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei tourism integration is an issue of regional tourism cooperation. This paper, from the perspective of factors in regional tourism cooperation, gives an in-depth analysis of the evident problems in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei tourism integration, in the hope of providing some useful references. Firstly, the profound significance and connotations of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei tourism integration are stated. Secondly, the principal regional cooperation parts and main problems of cooperation content are illustrated. Thirdly, some policy suggestions to promote Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei tourism integration are given as follows. On the one hand, in terms of organizations, a special research group of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei tourism integration should be established and led by the government. As for planning, a unified development plan of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei tourism integration should be laid down. With respect to service, the tourism infrastructure and regional tourism service facilities should be perfected. With regard to market, the tourism market management and supervision mechanism should be standardized. In view of education, the training for tourism staff should be enhanced. On the other hand, the tourism industry chain development, with enterprises taking the leading position, should be promoted in an orderly manner, together with the innovation upgrading of industrial clusters, as well as the establishment and improvement of a unified plan and sales system of tourism product.