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Cartoon Industry Forum comes to Zhongguancun
By Yang Fan (chinadaily.com.cn)
Updated: 2013-01-11

The Yonghe Innovation Animation Forum, part of the 2012 China Cartoon Industry Forum, was held recently in Beijing. A cartoon awards ceremony was held on the same day.

The China Cartoon Industry Forum was co-hosted by Zhongguancun's Yonghe Park administrative committee and the Chinese Television Artists Association Cartoon Art Committee (CTAACAC). It has been successfully held nine times since 2002. The forum serves as the most advanced animation industry platform and industry event in China.

The forum was held during the International Culture Industry Fair. The fair fully demonstrated Yonghe Science Park's industrial development features. Combining the advantageous resources of the CTAACAT and Yonghe Science Park, the event showed the fusion of culture, science and technology.

The forum discussed the relationship between animation and new media, capital, animation copyright protection and operation. It aimed to extend animation cooperation and development, promote exchange and cooperation between animation and other industries, and achieve mutually beneficial results.

Edited by Chen Zhilin and Michael Thai


Zhang Yiping

Director of the Minor Enterprise Service Center of the BMDRC


Yu Jun

President of Zhongguancun Development Group


Yu Yang

President and CEO of Analysys International


Zhongguancun Science Park