Daily Overview for January 12

Updated: 2010-01-11 16:57
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Daily Overview for January 12

Where can perseverance get you? Just about anywhere you want to go. Keep it up.

You need to push yourself a little harder, but you don't need to choose a course. If anything, you should find that your subconscious mind knows exactly where you need to be at any moment.

Daily Overview for January 12

You'll feel better once you express yourself to people who are on your wavelength.

You're the center of whatever group you're in today, even if you're not the formal leader or the most outspoken member. Your ideas and energy just naturally organize those around you.

Daily Overview for January 12 

Coworkers and bosses might be feeling touchy. Keep any raucous opinions to yourself.

You've got quite a lot going on right now, so see if you can get your friends and colleagues to help out. If you're paying attention, you may be able to sneak something past an obstacle.


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