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Changeling 《换子疑云》精讲之四
[ 2009-08-25 09:17 ]

考考你 小试牛刀



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Nurse: Breakfast is half an hour.

Mrs Christine: Please, miss, I need to see a doctor in charge.

Nurse: The dining room is down the hall. The doctor will call for you when he's ready.

(Background: Do you want eggs or oatmeal? Okay, that's everyone that's here. All right. You can pull the oatmeal.  Do you want it for tomorrow? You know, just dump it. All right.)

Carol Dexter: You should eat. Eating is normal. You gotta do everything you can to look normal. It's the only chance you got. My name's Carol Dexter. What's yours?

Mrs Christine: Christine. Christine Collins.

Changeling 《换子疑云》精讲之四

Carol Dexter: Now, finish it all. I know it's hard, but you gotta try. I heard them talking. You're here on code 12? Police action. I mean, the doctors, the staff, they figure that if the police brought you here, there must be a good reason for it.

Mrs Christine: There isn't a good reason for it. I'm perfectly sane and I will explain that to them.

Carol Dexter: How? The more you try to act sane, the crazier you start to look. If you smile too much, you're delusional or you're stifling hysteria. And if you don't smile, you're depressed. If you remain neutral, you're emotionally withdrawn, potentially catatonic.

Mrs Christine: You've given this a lot of thought.

Carol Dexter: Yeah, I have. Don't you get it? You're a code 12, so am I. We're here for the exact same reasons. We both pissed off the cops. Now, you see, you see that lady there? She was married to a cop who kept beating her up. When she tried to tell somebody about it, he brought her here. And that one? The police beat the crap out of her brother, broke both his arms. When she tried to tell the papers...

Changeling 《换子疑云》精讲之四

Mrs Christine: And you?

Carol Dexter: I work nights. I mean, I work nights.

Mrs Christine: Oh.

Carol Dexter: Yeah. In the clubs. Downtown. I'm sorry. Yeah, well, this one client just kept hitting me and he wouldn't stop, so I filed a complaint. And it turns out he was a cop. Next thing I know, I'm here.

Mrs Christine: But they can't do that.

Carol Dexter: Are you kidding? Everybody knows women are fragile. I mean, they're all emotions, no logic, there's nothing going on upstairs.

(Patient: Somebody! Help me!)

Carol Dexter: Every once in a while they say something that's a little inconvenient, they just go fucking nuts. Pardon my French. If we're insane, nobody has to listen to us. I mean, who are you gonna believe, some crazy woman trying to destroy the integrity of the force, or a police officer? Then once they get us in here, we either shut up and we learn to behave, or we don't go home. Or we go home like that.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. in charge: 主管,在……的看管下。Person in charge of an agency指的是“代理机构的负责人”,而某事由某人负责,则用in the charge of someone来表示。

2. delusional: suffering from or characterized by delusions.妄想的,产生错觉的。Jim是个delusional type(妄想型)的人,有些时候还会出现delusional mood(妄想心境)。

3. give a lot of thought: 仔细考虑过某事。在这里,Mrs Christine的意思是“你可真有研究”,如果表示“但这件事需要好好研究”,我们就可以说But the matter needs a lot of thoughts.

4. piss off: 惹某人生气。例如:What did he say to piss you off?(你说了什么,把他惹恼了?)此外,piss off还可以表示”走开,滚开”,例如:John told me to piss off, or he'd clobber me.(约翰叫我走开,不然就要揍我。)

5. file a complaint: 发投诉。Carol Dexter遇到的警察“顾客”一直打她,她file a complaint,却不料被关进了精神病院。我们平时常用file for这个词组来表示file for divorce(申请离婚),file for bankruptcy(申请破产)。

6. every once in a while: 偶尔。此外,once in a while, at intervals也可以用来表达类似的意思。

7. nut: a strange or crazy person(怪人;疯子),例如:He's a complete nut, if you ask me. (要我说,他是个十足的疯子)。此外,nut还可以表示a person who is extremely interested in a particular subject, activity, etc.(着迷的人;专注于某事的人;…迷),例如:a fitness/tennis/computer nut(健美╱网球╱电脑迷)。

考考你 小试牛刀



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