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Xinjiang national university science park

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2012-06-05

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The Xinjiang national university science park was officially approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education on December 14, 2005. It is based on Xinjiang University, in alliance with other universities in the region.

The park is shared by many universities and has many branches. It is also an affiliated branch of the Urumchi high-tech development zone. The science park mainly offers platforms for scientific talents to make innovations and establish businesses.

It is another major high-tech company incubation basis in the region following the innovation service center of the high-tech developmental zone. So far, the science park has attracted nearly 50 companies. A pioneering park integrating diversified universities, disciplines and majors has been formed. The existing enterprise incubation area amounts to 10,000 square meters.