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A photo of the ethnic minority delegates in 1949

Tibetans celebrate New Year

Past and present of Tibet
The Establishment and Evolution of Government Institutions for Ethnic Work in China
By Li Jianhui,Guo Qingmin (China's Ethnic Groups)
Updated: 2009-08-12 15:56

 The Establishment and Evolution of Government Institutions for Ethnic Work in China
In 1980s, Xi Zhongxun (second right), Yang Jingren (center), Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme (thind left) and Panchan Erdini (first right) went to the exhibition of Tibetan history and culture in Beijing.
 The Establishment and Evolution of Government Institutions for Ethnic Work in China
The third session of Central Government's Ethnic Affairs Commission Conference in 1950s. [Photo by Cheng Weidong]


 The Establishment and Evolution of Government Institutions for Ethnic Work in China

In 1954, Fei Xiaotong made legal explanations at the fourth session of Central Government's Ethnic Affairs Commission Conference. (The name of Central Government's Ethnic Affairs Commission has been changed to State Ethnic Affairs Commission since 1978) [Photo by Li Zhongkui]

 The Establishment and Evolution of Government Institutions for Ethnic Work in China

On April 23rd 1947, Inner Mongolia People's Congress opened in Wangye Temple. The delegates filed into the conference hall. [Photo by Cheng Weidong]



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