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Updated: 2006-01-31 08:49

Last year was warmest in a century 


Last year was warmest in a century

Last year was warmest in a century

Last year was the warmest in a century,nosing out1998, a federal analysis concludes.

Researchers calculated that 2005 produced the highest annual average surface temperature worldwide since instrument recordings began in the late 1800s, said James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

The result confirms a prediction the institute made in December.

In a telephone interview, Hansen said the analysis estimated temperatures in the Arctic from nearby weather stations because no direct data were available. Because of that, "we couldn't say with 100 percent certainty that it's the warmest year, but I'm reasonably confident that it was," Hansen said.

More important, he said, is that 2005 reached the warmth of 1998 without help of the "El Ninoof the century" that pushed temperatures up in 1998.

Over the past 30 years, Earth has warmed a bit more than 1 degree in total, making it about the warmest it's been in 10,000 years, Hansen said. He blamed a buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases.

Jay Lawrimore of the federal government's National Climatic Data Center said his own center's current data suggest 2005 came in aclosesecond to 1998, in part because of how the Arctic was factored in. But he said a forthcoming analysis "will likely show that 2005 is slightly warmer than 1998."



美国航空航天局戈达德空间研究中心的主任汉森说:根据研究人员的数据分析, 自19世纪后期有气象资料纪录以来,2005年是世界范围内地球表面平均气温最高的年份。




他同时说,在过去的30年里,地球气温上升了1度多,成为1万年来全球最热的时期。 汉森认为"温室气体"排放量增加是罪魁祸首。





nose out:to defeat by a narrow margin(险胜对方)

El Nino:厄尔尼诺现象是指南美洲西海岸冷洋流区的海水表层温度在圣诞节前后异常升高的现象,它就象一口"暖池",通过表层温度的变化对大气加热场产生变化进而给各地的天气带来变化,使原来干旱少雨的地方产生洪涝,而通常多雨的地方易出现长时间的干旱少雨。

close:being on the brink of(接近)



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