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Updated: 2004-04-07 01:00

Whodunits to be computer games

电脑游戏再现经典悬案 玩家过瘾扮侦探

Whodunits to be computer gamesAnyone who has ever fancied themselves a detective to rival Poirot can test theirmettlewhen Agatha Christie's murder mysteries become PC games.

Christie's grandson, Mathew Prichard, has given permission for computer game experts to develop a series of five computer games over the next six years.

He hopes it will bring her many novels to life for a whole new audience.

"My grandmother was always very keen on using new ways to reach people who wanted to enjoy her work," he said.

The 1930s thrillers Death on the Nile and Murder on the Orient Express could be among the mysteries players will be able to solve.

Which of Christie's 79 novels and short story collections will beadaptedhas not yet been decided.

Generations of readers and television viewers came to love hereccentricBelgian detective Hercule Poirot, played by the late Sir Peter Ustinov in five films.

The author, who died in 1976, enjoyed a career which spanned more than half a century and is the world's best known murder mystery writer.

Herdebutnovel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, was published in 1920 and was the first to feature Poirot.

More than 2bn of her books have sold worldwide so far, in more than 45 languages.

Hundreds of thousands of pounds will be spent developing her works for games on CD-Rom.

A spokesman for the intellectual property company which hasmastermindedthe deal, said: "Agatha Christie is outsold only by the Bible and Shakespeare - her work is totally timeless.

"In the computer games you will be the detective solving the crime. You follow the crime, examine the clues and interview the suspects."












把她的作品开发成电脑光盘游戏将需要花费几十万英镑。 负责策划这一项目的知识产权公司的一位发言人说:“阿加莎·克里斯蒂作品的销售量仅次于《圣经》和莎士比亚的作品,她的作品确实是永恒的。


mettle: 勇气
adapt: 改编
eccentric: 古怪的
debut: 初次登场
mastermind: 策划


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