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 Language Tips > 2003
Updated: 2003-07-25 01:00

It's Official -- Santa Is from Greenland


It's Official -- Santa Is from GreenlandIt's official -- Santa is from Greenland, according to an edict from the world's top Father Christmases at their annual summit in Denmark.

Sweating it out in the summer heat in white beards and red hats and robes, 130 Father and Mother Christmases and Santa's helpers from 12 countries including Japan, Canada, Britain and Spain put an end to debate about which Nordic nation was their real home.

"It's a fact: he comes from Greenland," said Kurt Flemming, chairman of the 40th annual Father Christmas World Congress.

Greenland's delegate quashed rival claims to the title with the argument: "We have lots and lots of reindeer in Greenland. Didn't you know that?" But Finnish Lapland, traditional rival of Greenland for the title, was not represented at the congress.

The Santa summit also ignored historical evidence rooting their traditions in Turkey, where fourth-century Christian Saint Nicholas of Myra helped the poor and needy.

After their debate, the delegates paraded through Copenhagen to the strains of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer." They cooled their feet on a beach and enjoyed Danish pastries and beer.

Suitably cheered, the Santas promised bigger presents for children this year -- "if they've been nice. And most have. But politicians get smaller ones," said Flemming, who doubles as a circus clown outside the Christmas season.









sweat it out: 咬紧牙关,坚持到最后

strain: 旋律,曲调


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