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 Language Tips > 2003
Updated: 2003-07-16 01:00

Blair's tale of desiring French PM "in many different positions"


Blair's tale of desiring French PM British Prime Minister Tony Blair entertained world leaders at a summit here with the story of how he told France's parliament of his desire for a former French premier "in many different positions."

"I was asked questions about Lionel Jospin's policy and I meant to say in French that Lionel Jospin was a prime minister with policies I want to emulate," he told centre-left leaders from several nations.

"Instead, I said in French that Lionel Jospin was a prime minister I desired in many different positions," he said to laughter from the audience.

Blair said in his speech to open the conference that he had been inspired to speak of his linguistic shortcomings by the presence here of another former French prime minister, Laurent Fabius.

"Whenever I see Laurent, I always feel a slight nervousness, because he was president of the French national assembly when I undertook the mission to address them in French," he said.

The "progressive governance" conference, also attended by some 400 think-tank analysts, was set to continue throughout the weekend.

It was to precede a summit Sunday evening and Monday in the English countryside at Bagshot, south of London, to be attended by centre-left leaders from 14 nations.

The events aim to give a fillip to the so-called "third way" that informed the politics of the centre-left in the 1990s.











1."third way" 即"第三条道路"。90年代以来,以美国的克林顿(Bill Clinton)、意大利的普罗迪(Romano Prodi)、法国的若斯潘(Lionel Jospin)、英国的布莱尔(Tony Blair)和德国的施罗德(Gerhard Schroder)等为代表的左翼政党相继上台执政,他们不约而同地宣称在社会、政治和经济等方面奉行一种既不同於传统左派,又不同於右翼主流的"新中派"(the new centre)策略。在克林顿总统率先把其新的政治经济策略称之为"第三条道路"(The Third Way)后,"第三条道路"便成为欧美左派政党的政治标识,博得了欧美左翼力量的广泛响应,形成为欧美国家中一种新兴的政治运动。布莱尔首相上台后,更是高高举起了"第三条道路"的旗帜,亲自撰著了《第三条道路:面向新世纪的新政治》(The Third Way: New Politics for the New Century),以此作为他所领导的英国工党的执政纲领。

2." the centre-left"即中左派。"第三条道路"的政治实践者是西方的中左力量(the centre-left),主要是西方国家的社会民主党,如英国的工党、德国的社会民主党等。


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