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Updated: 2003-06-30 01:00

Unfair Bosses May Raise Employees' Blood Pressure (2002/06/30)

职场新发现:老板不通情达理 员工易血压升高 (2002/06/30)

Unfair Bosses May Raise Employees' Blood PressureUnfair and unreasonable bosses can increase their employees' blood pressure and raise the risk of a heart attack or stroke, British doctors said Tuesday.

A study by researchers at Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College in England found that the blood pressure of healthcare assistants was higher when they were supervised by someone they considered unreasonable.

"An unfavorably perceived supervisor is a potent workplace stressor, which might have a clinically significant impact on supervisees' cardiovascular functioning," Dr Nadia Wager said in a report in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Cardiovascular disease kills an estimated 16.6 million people, or one-third of total global deaths, each year, according to the World Health Organization. High blood pressure, raised cholesterol levels, lack of exercise, smoking, excessive weight and a poor diet are leading risk factors.







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