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Updated: 2003-05-21 01:00

U.S. to Fingerprint Most Foreign Visitors (2003/05/21)

反恐严把国门关 安检系统粉墨登场 (2003/05/21)

U.S. to Fingerprint Most Foreign VisitorsForeign visitors arriving with visas at U.S. airports or seaports next year will have their travel documents scanned, their fingerprints and photos taken and their identification checked against terrorist watch lists. The system, which goes into effect Jan. 1, will check the comings and goings of foreign travelers who arrive in this country carrying visas.

Homeland Security Department undersecretary Asa Hutchinson said Monday such a system could have caught hijackers Mohammed Atta, who had overstayed his visa on a previous occasion, and Hani Hanjour, when he failed to show up at school as required by his student visa.

"Border security can no longer be just a coastline, or a line on the ground between two nations. It's also a line of information in a computer, telling us who is in this country, for how long and for what reason," Hutchinson said.

Congress has provided about 0 million for the new system, which will replace a paper-based system that been highly criticized since the Sept. 11 attacks.

Under the U.S. VISIT system, a visa carrier will be required to provide immigrant and citizenship status, nationality, country of residence and an address where the visitor will be staying in the United States.

When the visitor leaves, Hutchinson said, the system will verify the traveler's departure and identification.

The system will later be enhanced, possibly to include iris scans or facial recognition technology, Hutchinson said.










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