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Updated: 2003-04-14 01:00

Heinz Unveils New Blue Ketchup (2003/04/14)

调料盘变调色板 蓝色番茄酱放异彩 (2003/04/14)

Heinz Unveils New Blue Ketchup
Nicole Seese squeezes the new 'Stellar Blue' ketchup by Heinz, over her onion rings

Blue cheese, blueberries and chicken cordon bleu - but blue ketchup? The H.J. Heinz Co., which has sold the condiment in red, green, purple, pink and orange, is adding blue to its palette. The company unveiled Heinz EZ Squirt "Stellar Blue" on Monday, just in time for spring and summer - hot seasons for condiments.

Christine McCracken, an analyst with Midwest Research, said she is not surprised Heinz would introduce a new color, based on the other colors' incremental success.

"There's probably some cannibalization of existing products. If you're going to buy blue ketchup, you might not buy traditional ketchup," McCracken said.

Heinz produced 1 million rainbow-colored, mystery bottles last year. Consumers who bought the ketchup didn't know, until they squirted it on a burger whether they got pink, orange or teal. The company hoped customers' reactions would help it decide its next hue, but no one color became a front runner. Instead, customers called for blue, Heinz spokesman Robin Teets said.

There's no telling what shade ketchup will take next, but the company keeps an eye on ideas from customers - especially those who get a kick out of weird-colored food.

"It's not mom and dad's ketchup," Teets said. "If parents think it's a little strange, that's all the better for kids."









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