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Updated: 2002-12-11 01:00

No Good, Clean Fun for Birthday Boy (2002/12/11)

七岁男孩嗜好怪 生日派队垃圾堆上开(2002/12/11)

No Good, Clean Fun for Birthday BoyFor his seventh birthday, Michael Wong-Sasso got down and dirty, totally trashed--well, you know.

The grade schooler is passionately interested in garbage trucks, compost and recycling -- and dreams of being a trash hauler when he grows up. So he convinced his parents to bypass the usual kiddie venues and toss him a party on Saturday at a real dump.

Landfill operator Browning-Ferris Industries agreed to the unusual plan, and set about preparing an odor- and trash-free spot on the edge of the Sunshine Canyon Landfill in suburban Los Angeles, wheeling in piles of fresh dirt to accommodate 82 little feet.

Michael and 40 of his friends were so happy as they scampered over mounds of dirt, pushing a variety of toy back hoes, bulldozers and dump trucks. The kids also made animals from homemade clay and recycled materials, and got an up-close tour of the landfill, Sophia Wong, Michael's mother said.

"In addition to that we had a ranger bring live animals native to the landfill. He brought ... a black widow spider, a python, a stuffed rattler, a falcon, a dwarf rabbit. He brought pine cones and showed where some had been eaten. "

Wong and Sasso are restaurant owners and never had a special interest in trash until Michael, at age two, began showing an unusual interest in trailing garbage trucks through the neighborhood, his mother said, noting that "trash" and "truck" were among his first words.

"As a 4-year-old he wrote a book about our local trash collector, Gilbert Gregory, and what he does during his daily route," she said.





No Good, Clean Fun for Birthday Boy迈克和他的四十个小伙伴们在土堆上欢快地奔跑。他们开心地把玩具锄耕机、推土机和垃圾车在土堆上开来开去。孩子们还用自制的黏土和可循环利用材料做成小动物。迈克的母亲索菲娅把这些看在了眼里,她说,孩子们和垃圾有了近距离的接触。




grade schooler: 小学生。grade school 相当于elementary school
odor- and trash-free: 没有臭味,没有垃圾
up-close: 相当于close, 表示近距离接触。


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