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Updated: 2002-11-29 01:00

Bush daughters reach legal age to drink (2002/11/29)

吾家有女初长成 从此贪杯享太平(2002/11/29)

Bush daughters reach legal age to drink

Jenna (left)Barnara(right)

Underage drinking problems became a thing of the past for US President George W. Bush's twin daughters on Monday when they celebrated their 21st birthdays, turning the legal age to drink.

Jenna and Barbara Bush made worldwide headlines last year after they were charged with misdemeanor underage drinking violations in two separate incidents in Austin, Texas.

The White House, very protective of the twins' privacy, had no comment.

Jenna, a student at the University of Texas in Austin, was fined 0 and her driver's license was suspended for 30 days after she was caught drinking a beer at an local bar on May 16, 2001.

She got a second ticket on May 31, 2001, for using someone else's identification to try to buy a tequila margarita at a popular restaurant. Her sister Barbara, a student at Yale University in New Haven, Conn. who was visiting Austin at the time, was ticketed after police found her with a margarita and a tequila shot.

Both were 19 at the time. The legal drinking age in Texas is 21.




Bush daughters reach legal age to drink






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