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Updated: 2002-10-18 01:00

Wanted on the Web: Rich Husband, Escape from Africa (2002/10/18)

不甘贫穷 非洲女孩网上征婚求出路(2002/10/18)

In the bare premises of an Abidjan Internet cafe, 12-year-old schoolboy Mohammed plays Cupid.

Wanted on the Web: Rich Husband, Escape from AfricaScores of young women in the West African country of Ivory Coast have taken to surfing the Web, some for hours a day, determined to find a husband.

And not just any man will do.

"When you ask them what sort of guy they want, they all say the same thing: white, with a house, aged about 50 ," he said, smiling shyly.

Some of the women are illiterate. Most do not know how to use a computer or cannot type fast.

To earn his pocket money, Mohammed helps the man-hunting girls write their love messages, post them on the Internet and read e-mails from potential suitors.

"These Web sites are about love but when you meet these girls you feel that it's not really love they are looking for," he said.

Kone Adjouma, who runs the Cyber Center where Mohammed works, says most of his customers are 18-to-20-year-old girls who see a white man as their ticket to a better life in Europe, Canada or the United States.

"Sometimes, after a while, the guy comes here for a week to meet the family. Then he would send over a plane ticket and a bit of money for the documents," Adjouma said. "I have been here for two years and I've seen nine girls leave like that."

The dating pages of Web sites can carry 30 to 40 new messages every day from Ivorian women seeking partners. Most say they want "un blanc" (a white). Some can be quite specific about other requirements too.

"Pretty, young African woman seeks European man, only aged between 40 and 50, for marriage, well-off because I think that's what you need to be happy, let's not be ashamed about it," said a recent message.

Not surprisingly, some matches made on the Internet turn sour very quickly.

Rebecca, 22, says her friend Viviane sounded very happy when she found a man who asked her to go over to France. "He was buying her clothes. He was taking her to clubs. Everything looked fine but then, after two weeks, he told her she had to work as a prostitute," she said. Viviane managed to escape and now lives in Ghana.

But even the most horrible tales seem to do little to dent the hopes of Yolande, 21, who works as a maid and hairdresser. She says she has been dreaming of marrying a foreign man since she was 15.

Yolande says the French embassy has twice refused her a visa after a Frenchman she met in Ivory Coast sent her money and a ticket to join him.

She said she will keep trying. "I can't read and I can't write, my mother works in the fields at the village. When I have a child, I want him to have a different life."









Wanted on the Web: Rich Husband, Escape from Africa据经营这家网吧的科内说,光顾这里的大部分是18到20岁的女孩子,她们向往欧洲、加拿大或者美国的舒适生活,希望能找到一个白人给自己提供一张到达那里的机票。










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