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Updated: 2002-10-14 01:00

Publishers Hail Harry Potter and Jesus Christ (2002/10/14)

出版业遭遇寒冬 耶酥基督与哈里·波特挽狂澜(2002/10/14)

Publishers Hail Harry Potter and Jesus ChristPublishers hailed Jesus Christ and Harry Potter on Tuesday as saviors of their industry in tough economic times.

The search for spiritual sustenance after last year's September 11 attacks has boosted the profits of religious publishers while children have demonstrated an insatiable appetite for the exploits of a boy wizard.

With the industry hit by the current global downturn, the number of companies attending this year's Frankfurt Book Fair has dropped four percent -- but there are still 6,375 exhibitors from 110 countries.

Spiritual advice was in demand, Dr. Hubertus Schenkel, chairman of the fair's supervisory board said, particularly in the United States. "Especially after the attacks of September 11, religious publishers around the world have been able to make gains."

"Anything to do with trying to understand the meaning of life is also doing well -- from the Bible to esotericism and psychology and including how-to guides on keeping the peace in the family," he added.

In a media age where so many children's lives are dominated by Pokemon and PlayStation, the industry lauded author J.K. Rowling (the author of Harry Potter)for re-introducing kids to the joys of reading.

"And just how much the market is waiting for Harry Potter was revealed by the reaction when author Joanne Rowling hit the headlines in September with reports of her pregnancy and that she had almost finished number five in the series," Schenkel said.

He forecast that publishing companies will in future depend even more on the pulling power of their best-selling authors.

Book Fair Director Volker Neumann, bemoaning the slight drop in companies attending, said: "We are going through difficult times -- but we are confident that after this decline, things will be better again this year."






Publishers Hail Harry Potter and Jesus Christ他还说,"除此以外,只要是关于理解生活真谛的书,--不论是圣经,还是神秘主义、心理学,乃至如何维持家庭和睦的书籍,销量都很好。"






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